About the Voices

The author of this blog goes by the name Marcus Matherne.  He does this because it was written on his birth certificate.  Sometimes he talks about himself like he isn’t right here listening.

A summary of me:

I live in Mason, Ohio.  I’m over 40, in both years and weight.  I’m a tall guy, so the top shelf is mine.

I have been married over 17 years.  I would do it again too–same person and everything.

I have two boys.  They are both less than 40 years old, for now.

I like when people smile as they read my words.  I love when they laugh out loud.  I dislike the LOL abbreviation.  I won’t use it and you can’t make me.

I have issues with typos and spelling errors.  I try hard to avoid them, but my teenager finds more mistakes in my writings than I ever can.

Oh, and by the way.  I, as in me, wrote the stuff on this blog.  So don’t go copying.  Share everything you see using the buttons and widgets if so inclined, but don’t steal my stuff.  Don’t make me go all
Copyright © 2012-2014 by Marcus Matherne
on you.  Thanks.

98 responses to “About the Voices

  1. Hi Marcus! You are funny (funny ha ha, not funny strange…well, maybe strange, but in a good way), and I apologize in advance for any future use of “LOL.” It’s a problem. I know.

    You totally got me with your secret hidden page, too.

    Thanks so much for the recent follow – I look forward to sharing many laughs! 🙂

  2. Hey thanks. …many laughs… and then you hit me up with a single smiley face. You leave me confused.

  3. You’re really funny!
    Also thanks for checking out my blog
    Hope we can have some sort of blog rapport going on 🙂

  4. Hey, I’ve nominated you for two blog awards, and you can check those out here: http://themediaries.wordpress.com/2012/07/22/blog-awards/ But also, feel free to ignore

  5. Hello! I’ve nominated you for the versatile blogger award. Details below.

    Sometimes, I Wish I Could Hug You…


  6. So we can’t make you write LOL then. OK.
    You do know you’re Rumpelstiltskin, right? That folk will now try to trick you into it?

    On a completely different matter, perhaps you can help me out. I’m scratching my head trying to come up with a quicker way to write “losing one’s looks”. Any ideas?

    • Obviously that would be “LO” hey, wait a minute! Try this. I would simply use “gone ugly” and maybe I could see the use of “GU” as acceptable.
      On another note: Did you have to look up the spelling of Rumpelstiltskin? If not, way to go!

      • Dag, as they say, nabbit.

        My achievement doesn’t seem so great. I don’t know how else I’d’ve written it. Perhaps Rumple instead of Rumpel? but Rumpel is Germanner, and so Grimmer.

        Lots of Luck.

  7. thank you so much for the like! im glad too, because i got read your blog! awesome!

  8. LOL … yeah I’m not a teenager either.

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Whimsically Yours and liking my post, Petronella & The Trogot 🙂


  10. Thanks for liking my story followed you on word press 🙂

  11. Oh ok awesome Yeah I used Hot Spot Studio It’s a basic program to create lights etc and colorful ones to plus the software Is open source and free 🙂 Sorry for the late reply…

  12. Oh my, you have a wonderful way with words, I’m a little jealous. This entire post made me laugh.

  13. Hi,
    thanks a lot for visiting my blog, and I’m here to requite now…. with the hope you can be back to read me….

  14. Thanks so much for reading and liking my blog! Glad to discover you–you’re very funny!! Looking forward to reading more of the voices in your head!

  15. You say you don’t like the LOL abbreviation, and wont use it, but you just did in this post.

  16. thanks so much for “Liking” my inaugural post at my Little Black Petals blog earlier today. I am very new to this whole blogging thing and will need some time to work out the kinks. i hope that will visit again. in the meantime, i will look to your blog as an example of how the pros do it. 😉

  17. Thanks for liking my blog! I really enjoy humor and yours is really funny. I am sure that when you get to be a grandparent you will find so much more humor there! Enjoy the journey.

  18. I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award. Click on the link http://wp.me/p2Ce06-4X or visit my blog to find out the details.

  19. hahahahaha…I will attempt to leave out the LOL…ooops! thank you so much for visiting my blog @ CallmeGomo, your humour has equally enchanted me and I will be comin here for my daily dose…:-)

  20. Hi Marcus, my new best friend from Ohio. (I’m not a stalker; I promise.) I tagged you for the Look Challenge. The next time you pull something from your book, do the challenge and show us a ‘look.’ You can see the easy rule on my post today. Read your sample. Fun stuff, and a great idea for a book. You’re a Lucky Charms kind of guy, eh?

    • They are magically delicious. How can anyone not be a “Lucky Charm” kind of person? …and I’m going to take a “Look” right now… …and now I have completed the look challenge. Now what?

  21. Hey…thanks for visiting my blog. Glad you liked the post. Just love your sense of humor, am still smiling after reading some of your posts … will be sure to visit often:)

  22. Pingback: Formatting for Smashwords | Breezy Books

  23. Hey nice blog 🙂 I am glad I stopped I and am sure you’re glad too 😉

  24. Hi,

    Thanks for visiting & for the like :-).

    Take care.

  25. Nice to meet you,Marcus. (I have a character named the same,spelled differently,Markus) You have a wonderful blog. Much success to you! 🙂

  26. Mason, Ohio! That’s awesome! I actually have family there.

  27. HI there… just came across your blog and loved the funny-ness here 🙂

    I run a blog too…www.expressedd.wordpress.com.. not even close to funny stuff, all serious.. but would love it if you popped by..


  28. Thank you for the like on my blog. Your blog is so creative and funny! Defiantly following!

  29. Hello there , I have just glanced about .in on to your blog …and now following …. thanks for the like on Viral !!!.:) ……-yes it sure is funny blog !

  30. Hey you there, outstanding in your field! Awards ceremony at my place today. You have been awarded the Cheeky Diva Award. http://breezybooksblog.wordpress.com/2012/12/30/overture-curtains-lights/ When you get there, be sure to click on the actual award to read more about it. 🙂

  31. Hahaha. You’re funny! 😀

  32. From one Clevelander to another: funny stuff! Thanks for stopping by!

  33. Many thanks to every one of your voices, for the like on Montessori!

  34. I hate that abbreviation, too. You know the one I mean.

  35. Hey Marcus! It’s Maddie Cochere’s fault that I’m here. Sounded like a fun place to be so I thought I’d drop by.

  36. Thanks for stopping by Being June! Looks like we’re neighbors; I’m in Metro Detroit.

  37. Thanks for your visit to Discover Santosha today, and for leading me to your blog. I too dislike spelling errors and never write “lol”.
    But I do laugh a lot.

  38. Sooo tempting to use it. But won’t, too many got there before me. Always a day late and a dollar short. BTW ( HA!) I have two boys too. Thanks for dropping by “Honey.”

  39. I am so envious. I would love to be known as the Funny Blog Guy. But I guess I am not that funny yet. ..and you would have to retire. Keep up your fun work!

  40. From Springfield. Where in the heck is Mason. A lot has changed since I been gone. Glad you liked my blog. Must be a very jarring place.

  41. Good to hear from a fellow Ohioan. I went to Miami U.

  42. I didn’t say anything about being friends, you green-blooded son of a … sorry. Too much coffee. Where was I? Oh, in the words of a famous Native American chief, “Bobcat suck, Redskin super good.”

  43. One of the most creative tee shirts seen around campus was the “Muck Fiami” shirts. So where are you now? asked the Cincinnati guy that is way too old to be concerned with school rivialries.

  44. You are a pretty funny guy! In a LOL kind of way, if you know what I mean. I actually found you because I had a question about being able to see who shared my blogs on social media sites. I googled, it brought up your question from 2010 and the disappointing answer that due to privacy issues etc and so forth. I decided to come check you out to see what the funny blog guy was about. Also, my husband did a stint at Ohio University back in the 90’s when he thought he wanted to be a music therapist. Long story, he’s not and that is a chapter we sometimes wish we could rewrite, but it was a beautiful campus and area of Ohio. I tend to ramble. Sorry. Anyway, seems I got here at a time when you are going to repeat posts, which reminds my of a story about Pete and repeat…..anywho, I guess if I come back it will be fresh to me. I will now write end my comment.

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